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NAME (year)


Rex Lee(56)

  • Geboren 07.01.1969
  • Herkunft Ohio, USA

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rex Lee (born January 7, 1969, height 5' 7" (1,70 m)) is an American actor of Korean descent. He is best known for his role on the HBO original series Entourage as Lloyd Lee. Lee was born in Warren, Ohio. Lee is of Korean descent. His parents emigrated from Korea to the United States. He grew up in the states of Massachusetts and California and graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Career Lee was born in Warren, Ohio. Lee is of Korean descent. His parents emigrated from Korea to the United States. He grew up in the states of Massachusetts and California and graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Career Prior to landing the role on Entourage, Lee had various jobs including performing in the children's theater company, Imagination Company, as well as working as a casting assistant. He was the casting director for the TV movie The Cure for a Diseased Life. Lee has also played roles on a variety of TV shows, including Twins, What About Brian and Zoey 101. Lee played Lloyd Lee, the gay assistant to Ari Gold, the character played by Jeremy Piven — eventually becoming an agent and interim head of TMA's television department. Lee began his role in the first episode of the show's second season, "The Boys Are Back in Town", which introduced Lloyd as the replacement to Ari's previous assistant. Lee appeared on Fox's Hell's Kitchen during Season 11. He sat at the VIP table during one of the show's competitive dinner services. Lee earned this position thanks to his role on Entourage. Lee now has a regular role on the ABC sitcom Suburgatory, playing Mr. Wolfe, a clueless high school guidance counselor. He appeared as one of the judges at Nationals in the Fox Television Comedy-Drama Glee in season 3. Personal life Lee is openly gay; he came out to his parents when he was 22. In an interview from 2011, Lee said that he was currently single but looking for something more permanent but that it was difficult to find the right relationship.


Serien (1)

EntourageLloyd Lee

Filme (2)

Feel the BeatWellington 'Welly' Wong
Girl on the EdgeTravis Lee